You may need a lawyer for a minor car accident, even one that seems like it could not possibly lead to legal complications. A car accident lawyer in Queens can help you out with all kinds of issues after a crash, whether you are in need of compensation or have been accused of causing the accident. We can also tell you how to protect yourself and gather evidence that could be useful later.
What Should I Do After a Minor Car Accident?
Your priorities should be making sure that everyone is safe after an accident and not letting any useful evidence slip away. You should:
Take pictures: Getting pictures of how the cars collided, the accident scene, and the damage to each vehicle is always a good idea. These photos can serve as evidence if you need to make a claim later.
Exchange information: You and the other drivers should exchange insurance and contact information, even if this was just a minor car accident. You don’t want to discover that a crash has caused significant expenses later and have no way of contacting the proper insurance company.
Call the cops: Calling the cops is a good idea even when an accident seems minor. They can write up a report that can be used by the insurance companies, so that’s useful if you need to make a claim. You can also be sure that you are in compliance with state laws and that you won’t run into any other issues later if the accident is more severe than it looks.
When Would I Need a Lawyer’s Assistance After a Minor Car Accident?
If the crash doesn’t do much damage or cause an injury, that’s great. You probably don’t need a lawyer. However, if you get an estimate for repairs that are more than expected or you are diagnosed with an injury like whiplash, you may need some legal assistance.
A lawyer can help you if you make a claim and the insurance company doesn’t want to cooperate. They can help you negotiate and, if needed, file a lawsuit to claim the compensation that you deserve.
Your lawyer would also be able to defend you from any accusations of wrongdoing. If you sue for damages and another driver tries to blame you for the accident, your lawyer can use the evidence, expert testimony, and anything else at their disposal to show how you were the wronged party here.
Filing a lawsuit and dealing with insurers on your own can be difficult. Let us assist you.
Meet With Our Legal Team
So if you were involved in any kind of accident, no matter how mild it may have seemed, we want to hear from you. Contact the Law Offices of George Poulos if you need help fighting for the compensation that you deserve.