Employees can become hurt in the workplace, which can affect their work. They may be unable to work for a period of time while they recover from their injuries. If this occurs, they should file for workers’ compensation to receive the aid that they need. Although some individuals may not have a physical job, their ability to carry out their job may still be impacted by their injury. This can cause them to file for workers’ compensation.
Employees that are injured in the workplace have the right to file for workers’ compensation. With workers’ compensation, an employee can retain their job even if they are unable to work for a period of time. When you file for this, it protects your job and can also protect your employer. You are not able to file a lawsuit against your lawyer if you seek workers’ compensation. Compensation can provide money for lost wages and lost future wages. It also may be able to provide money for medical bills that have risen due to your injuries that you needed to get tended to. With this compensation available to you, you will be able to continue living your normal lifestyle without having to worry about financial burdens piling up.
If further care is needed for a period of time, workers’ compensation can provide more benefits for an individual. Victims of an accident can be entitled to further benefits including medical care, supplemental benefits, social security benefits and death benefits, along with the cash benefits. This can be for cases that require more time for the employee to heal. It may also be for those who are unable to work again for this position. Long-term benefits can greatly help individuals that have been injured at work.
Do I qualify for workers’ compensation?
When you are involved in an accident at work, it is important to seek medical attention to receive the medical attention you need and to document your injuries. This will prove to your employer the accident that you sustained and how it has had an impact on your ability to perform your job tasks. It gives evidence to the cause of your injuries and how these injuries can affect your everyday life. No one is at fault when workers’ compensation is collected. If you file for workers’ compensation and receive it, you cannot sue your employer. This recognizes your right to gain workers’ compensation and avoids entering into litigation with your employer.
The Law Offices of George Poulos is an experienced Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, and Social Security Disability law firm with offices in Queens and the Bronx. If you require strong legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.