When people celebrate the Fourth of July, you typically expect barbecues, pool parties, beach visits, and traditional firework displays. This can be a fun way to gather with loved ones, however, it is important to remember that fireworks can be extremely dangerous if they are not used safely. Improper use of fireworks can cause devastating accidents and injuries to anyone nearby. Those who plan on using fireworks this weekend for the Fourth of July should be sure they are taking the right precautions to be safe. Continue reading below to learn more about how this is done.
What are Tips for Safe Preparation?
It is understandable that purchasing fireworks is exciting and people are usually eager to set them off right away. However, doing so without implementing certain safety measures can result in accidents. There are ways to make sure you are setting up fireworks safely, such as doing the following:
- Do not buy fireworks that come in brown paper. They are for professionals and should not be used in small neighborhoods.
- Make sure adults are present and children never access fireworks alone
- Keep water nearby, such as a hose, in the event that a fire starts
- Never carry fireworks in your pocket
- Never light fireworks in a glass or metal container
- Be sure that fireworks are legal in your area before buying them
- Keep your pets inside so they do not become scared or hurt
What do I Need to Know About Lighting Fireworks?
In addition to this, there are other safety measures that must be put in place when you are finally ready to ignite the fireworks. This ensures those using and watching the fireworks cannot be harmed in the process. This can include:
- Wear eye protection at all times
- Only light one firework at a time
- Never light fireworks indoors
- Never light fireworks in your hand
- Be sure all spectators are at a safe distance away from the display
- Quickly back a safe distance away after lighting the display
- Do not throw or point fireworks at another person
- Never pick up and relight a firework if it did not properly combust
- After a firework goes off, wait 20 minutes then douse it with cool water
- Never consume drugs or alcohol while lighting fireworks
Contact our Firm
The Law Offices of George Poulos is an experienced Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, and Social Security Disability law firm with offices in Queens and the Bronx. We understand the implications of a serious accident, which is why we take pride in tenaciously representing our clients. If you require strong legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.