If you were injured in an accident that led to burdening medical bills, lost wages, and a lessened quality of life, you are entitled to receive compensation through a personal injury claim. Once filing, it is important to know what mistakes to avoid and how a knowledgeable Queens personal injury attorney can help you steer clear of them.

What common social media mistakes can affect my personal injury claim?

Even though you may want to update your friends and family about your condition, it is best not to do so via social media. With social media, the defense attorney and the other party will be able to access critical information that will negatively affect your personal injury claim. The other party’s insurance company will also be monitoring your social media, looking out for anything contradictory to your claim.

For example, in your post, you may accidentally admit fault, even if you were not to blame. Also, if you reassure your friends and family that you are doing well in your post, you admit to the other side that you are emotionally unaffected by the accident. Even if you post a photo or video pertaining to your social life that infers physical wellness, a defense attorney or the insurance company may use that to try to prove that you are exaggerating your injury.

The following are some tips to help avoid social media mistakes during your personal injury case:

  • Set your accounts to private.
  • Avoid posting anything, whether it be about your case, injury, or social life.
  • Avoid accepting new follower requests. Even if you think you know the person, this could be the other party or their insurance company disguising themselves.
  • Request that your friends and family do not post about you, whether it be about your case, injury, or your life in general.

What medical attention mistakes can affect my personal injury claim?

The disadvantage of receiving untimely or inconsistent medical attention for your injuries is that it clouds the association with your accident. This not-so-direct relationship can provide ammunition for the defense attorney and the other party’s insurance company.

How can a Queens personal injury attorney help me?

In the state of New York, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is three years from the date of your accident. A seasoned Queens personal injury attorney can assist you in filing in a timely manner. We will also ensure that you avoid all the aforementioned commonly made mistakes while ensuring that you have enough documentation to build a promising case. Call us today.

Contact our Firm

The Law Offices of George Poulos is an experienced Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, and Social Security Disability law firm with offices in Queens and the Bronx. We understand the implications of a serious accident, which is why we take pride in tenaciously representing our clients. If you require strong legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.