If you get into a car accident with another driver, you should exchange insurance information. There is no good reason for you to talk to the other driver’s insurance company after an accident though. If you decide to pursue damages, you should have your attorney do the talking for you. A car accident lawyer in Queens can help you protect yourself and build a compelling case.

Do I Have to Speak to the Other Driver’s Insurance Company?

Someone calling from the other insurance company may make it seem like you need to talk to them as a part of their investigation. You do not need to speak with them though. There is no requirement to talk with an adjuster on the phone or in person. You also do not need to give them any kind of written statement if they ask for it. There is simply no obligation on your part to assist them with their investigation.

Do I Have to Provide the Insurer With Any Records or Information?

The other driver’s insurance company is also not allowed to pry into your life and ask you for more details about your injuries. You do not need to tell them if you are recovering or if you are in more or less pain than you were before. You also do not need to pull up medical records for them. There is no requirement to do anything aside from referring them to your attorney.

Why Shouldn’t I Talk to the Other Insurance Company?

This can seem a bit extreme to some people. After all, what is the worst that can happen after talking to someone from an insurance company? The problem here is that the other driver’s insurance company is not on your side. It’s on its own side. The insurer wants to get out of this for as little money as possible. They may try to:

  • Use your own statement against you
  • Accuse you of causing or contributing to the accident in some way
  • Offer you an inadequate settlement

Say the wrong thing to an insurer and you could end up making it more difficult to claim compensation.

Can My Attorney Communicate with the Other Insurance Company?

The right move is to refer anyone calling from the other driver’s insurance company to your attorney. This is their job. Your lawyer can handle communications like this for you. They can stick to the details of your case and you do not have to worry that you’ll say the wrong thing.

Meet With a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are thinking about pursuing compensation after a car accident, don’t go it alone. Contact the Law Offices of George Poulos and learn more about what an experienced personal injury attorney can do for you.