When you get into a car accident, you exchange insurance info with the other driver. This is a rule that most drivers know, but what happens if the driver who hits you doesn’t follow it? What can be done if a driver flees the scene after causing a crash? This can make claiming compensation more difficult, but there are still some steps that you can take to protect yourself and hold that driver accountable. A car accident lawyer in Queens would have some suggestions for you.

What Can I Do If the Other Driver Flees?

If the other driver flees, you should quickly write down whatever you can remember about them. A physical description of the driver and their vehicle can be helpful. A partial or full license plate can be even more useful. You can pass this information along to the cops when they are called to the scene.

You should still call the police to the scene because they can make a report and take down any information you have about the fleeing driver. Whether you find the other driver or not, that police report can help you make an insurance claim.

Finally, you should also do anything else that you would normally do after a crash. Take pictures of the accident scene and any damage to your vehicle. Talk to eyewitnesses and look for nearby cameras that may have caught the crash. Then make sure that you get medical care as soon as possible.

Can My Own Insurance Coverage Help If the Other Driver Flees?

Unfortunately, the cops don’t always catch a driver who flees the scene. You may have to rely on your own insurance policy. Some types of coverage that can help include:

Personal injury protection or PIP: This pays out for medical expenses regardless of fault.

Uninsured motorist protection: This coverage can help with expenses like vehicle repairs, medical bills, and lost wages after a hit-and-run.

Collision coverage: Drivers are not required to carry this type of coverage, but if they have it collision can help with car repair expenses regardless of fault.

What Kinds of Damages Can I Receive If This Driver is Caught?

If the driver who flees the scene is caught, they can be held responsible in both civil and criminal courts. You can sue them for damages if they were to blame for the crash and your compensation could address things like:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and earning potential
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Mental anguish and anxiety
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement
  • Any other pain and suffering stemming from the accident

Schedule Your Case Consultation

If you want to know more about what our attorneys can do for you after a hit-and-run accident, contact the Law Offices of George Poulos. We can schedule a consultation and tell you more about your legal options.