If you get into a car accident and you need to get repairs for your vehicle, who pays to fix that damage? You will probably end up dealing with a car insurance provider, but these situations can get surprisingly complicated and it can happen quickly. If there’s any confusion about how to claim the compensation you are owed, you need to talk to a car accident lawyer in Queens.

Who Pays to Repair Damage After a Crash?

In New York, drivers are required to carry liability insurance. This covers bodily injury and property damage. So if someone hits you and causes damage to your vehicle, their liability policy should pay for repairs. Everyone has to carry at least $10,000 in coverage.

You could encounter some complications though. What if there was a dispute over fault? What if $10,000 is not enough to cover the damage? This can make it more difficult to be fully compensated.

What Happens if a Driver is Uninsured?

You could also end up in a situation where your accident was caused by someone with no insurance or someone who hit your car and sped off. You can try to sue the driver personally if you find them, but it can be difficult to require compensation in that way.

This is why carrying supplementary uninsured and underinsured insurance is also mandatory in New York. If your policy can pay for the damage to your vehicle, it may be worthwhile to just use your own coverage instead of trying to squeeze money out of someone who didn’t have insurance. This part of your policy can also kick in if the other driver’s liability coverage is maxed out and you still need more money to make repairs or replace your car.

Can Other Types of Coverage Be Used to Pay For Vehicle Damage?

It’s not mandatory, but you can opt into collision coverage when you sign up for auto insurance. This can be used to repair damage to your vehicle regardless of who is at fault.

When Can I Sue Another Driver Over Vehicle Damage?

New York is a no-fault state, so you cannot sue over just any accident. You can file a lawsuit if you have serious injuries and economic losses exceeding $50,000. If you are thinking about suing for compensation, a lawyer can evaluate your case and help you figure out the best course of action. Sometimes suing is a good idea, but sometimes it’s easier to just handle matters through your own policy. Every situation is different.

Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer

So if you have been hurt in an accident and your car has damage that needs to be repaired, contact the Law Offices of George Poulos. Schedule a consultation with our team and learn more about your legal options and how an experienced attorney can help you negotiate for fair compensation.