When an individual becomes injured or becomes very ill, they may no longer be able to go to work. Of course, when you are injured or ill and unable to work, you may feel overwhelmed by lost wages and increasing medical bills. You may be eligible to apply for disability benefits in New York State that can assist you financially.
When you apply for disability, you may be able to collect compensation that can assist you when you can’t work due to your illness or injury. It is important to be aware that you can’t collect disability benefits and unemployment at the same time. Disability benefits can only be collected for 26 weeks of the year. A physician will make an assessment to determine how long the injured or ill person can be considered disabled.
Many people who have filed disability claims wonder how long it will take them to receive payment after it is filed. The first payment should be received no later than 4 business days after the 14th day from the initial date of disability. It is important to be aware that if you quit your job, you may no longer be eligible to receive disability benefits in some instances.
If you have questions regarding a personal injury and your eligibility to collect disability benefits in New York State, contact an experienced attorney today who can provide you with assistance.
The Law Offices of George Poulos is an experienced Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, and Social Security Disability law firm with offices in Queens and the Bronx. If you require strong legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.
This blog post was written on behalf of the Law Offices of George Poulos by Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc.